4 Reasons You Should Get Dental Implants

Whether you’re looking to replace one tooth or all of them, dental implants are a life-changing solution that can restore your smile. However, improving the appearance of your smile is only one of the many benefits of getting dental implants.

Call 219-641-3422 for an appointment at Van Buskirk & Krischke DDS in Crown Point, IN.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are placed in your jawbone to act as roots for artificial teeth. They provide a sturdy foundation to which can attach fixed or removable teeth. 

Why Should I Get Dental Implants?

Implants Look, Feel, & Function Like Real Teeth

Patients who have gotten dental implants consistently report that their implants and replacement teeth feel just like the real thing. With very little difference between the two, it’s typically easier to get accustomed to dental implants than other tooth replacement solutions like dentures. 

Implants function like real teeth, so you don’t have to give a second thought to using them like you would your natural teeth. This means you don’t have to give up some of the foods that might be too tough or chewy for other types of false teeth.

Perhaps best of all, you can brush and floss your teeth like normal. There’s no need to keep an unsightly cup of denture cleaner at your bedside.

Implants Are a Reliable Restoration Solution

With implants, there’s no concern over them slipping, moving around, or falling out like traditional dentures. Dentures tend to become loose or ill-fitting over time, leaving patients worried that they might slip or even fall out. This can lead to some pretty embarrassing situations.

Fixed dental implants are securely locked into place. You’ll never have to worry about damaging or misplacing them. 

Implants Can Last A Lifetime

Dentures typically last 5 to 10 years and bridges last about a decade before they need to be replaced. Dental implants, however, can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. The implants are made of durable titanium and mimic the roots of your natural teeth. We insert them into your jawbone, where they eventually fuse with the bone.

Implants Prevent Bone Loss

When you lose a permanent tooth, the area of your bone around the space will start to deteriorate and continue to deteriorate over time. Implants can prevent loss of bone volume by stimulating the area in the same way as tooth roots.

Learn More About Dental Implants in Crown Point, IN

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Krischke and Dr. Van Buskirk today to see what dental implants can do for you.

Call 219-641-3422 or schedule online to set up an appointment at Van Buskirk & Krischke DDS in Crown Point, IN.